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Timely Topics: Vaccine Hesitancy

Jan 10

12 p.m.

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Choosing whether or not to be vaccinated can be influenced by politics, faith, social media, family dynamics, prior experience or other factors. In this discussion of vaccine hesitancy, OHSU infectious disease expert Marcel Curlin, M.D. ’95, draws from his extensive experience as an HIV vaccine developer, HIV prevention expert, and as leader of several infectious disease research collaborations for OHSU Global in Southeast Asia.  

Presented by:

In 2010, Marcel Curlin, M.D. ’95 joined the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and served as the Chief of the HIV/STD laboratory sciences section in Bangkok, Thailand for four years. In 2015, he returned to OHSU to lead early-phase clinical testing of T-cell based HIV vaccines for the vaccine research program directed by Dr. Louis Picker at the Vaccine and Gene Therapy Institute.

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